Inspiring cleaner communities

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Our Story
How We Got Started
Clean Foundation promotes green solutions for today – and supports the environmental leaders of tomorrow. We are a Nova Scotia-based independent, non-governmental environmental charity that began in 1988. Our passion is providing the knowledge, tools and inspiration needed to encourage the actions that lead to positive environmental change.
Clean Foundation works in the ancestral and unceded territories of the Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik.
What We Do
We support the fair transition to a cleaner economy and greener society. To achieve this, we work collaboratively with our many partners to:
- Reduce energy poverty
- Promote social equity and support historically marginalized communities
- Develop the clean economy workforce
- Protect the natural environment
- Educate and promote action on climate change
Why We Act
Clean works hard every day to create a healthier environment, meaningful jobs with livable wages, and a more equitable society. We understand climate change is an urgent challenge, putting our ecosystems, cultures and economic livelihoods at risk. Efforts to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, better design of our communities to adapt to climate change, expanded environmental education, and sustainable choices in our everyday lives are essential to a prosperous future for all.
We know it won’t be easy, but our efforts are sustained by years of experience in focusing on the possible. Join us as we work to create cleaner economy and greener society for all.
Comment nous avons commencé
La Clean Fondation fait la promotion de solutions vertes pour aujourd’hui – et soutient les leaders environnementaux de demain. Nous sommes un organisme de bienfaisance environnemental indépendant et non gouvernemental basé en Nouvelle-Écosse, qui a vu le jour en 1988. Notre passion est de fournir les connaissances, les outils et l’inspiration nécessaires pour encourager les actions qui mènent à des changements environnementaux positifs.
La Clean Fondation travaille sur les territoires ancestraux et non cédés des Mi’kmaq et de Wolastoqiyik.
Ce que nous faisons
Nous appuyons la transition équitable vers une économie plus propre et une société plus verte. Pour y parvenir, nous travaillons en collaboration avec nos nombreux partenaires pour :
- Réduire la pauvreté énergétique
- Soutenir les communautés mal desservies
- Développer la main-d’œuvre de l’économie verte
- Éduquer et promouvoir l’action sur le changement climatique
- Protéger l’environnement naturel
Pourquoi nous agissons
Clean travaille dur chaque jour pour créer un environnement plus sain, des emplois intéressants avec des salaires décents et une société plus équitable. Nous comprenons que le changement climatique est un défi urgent, qui met en danger nos écosystèmes, nos cultures et nos moyens de subsistance économiques. Les efforts pour réduire nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre, une meilleure conception de nos communautés pour s’adapter aux changements climatiques, une éducation environnementale accrue et des choix durables dans notre vie quotidienne sont essentiels à un avenir prospère pour tous.
Nous savons que ce ne sera pas facile, mais nos efforts sont soutenus par des années d’expérience à se concentrer sur le possible. Joignez-vous pour travailler à créer une économie plus propre et une société plus verte pour tous.
Teli-pqutamkiaqis tel-lukutiek
Mawlukutimk Waqma’tekemk apoqntmi’tij waqma’tumk wksitqamu wjit kiskuk – aqq apoqnmua’tiji nikanusk wlli-anko’tmnew wksitqamuey wjit elmi’knik. Tleyawultiek No’pa Sko’sia na’sik mu wettaqne’wasultiwek kaplno’lewey, tepkispultiek teli-apoqntmumk wksitqamuey tujiw 1988ek. Wetnu’kwalsultiek iknmuanen wenik kina’matnewey, lukwaqne’l aqq ankita’suaqn ta’n nuta’q kulaman attiknetten weji-ila’tumk wksitqamuey.
Mawlukutimk Waqma’tekemk etl-lukutijik wmitkiuew Mi’kmaq aqq Wolastoqiyik ta’n mna’q iknmuetasinuk.
Weji-apoqntmek menaqaj tel-wije’wmumkl waqmatasik tel-lukutimk aqq teli-pkwatekemk aqq ta’n tel-waqmo’tmumk wksitqamuey. Kulaman wla’sitew telo’ltimk, maw-lukutiekik pikwelkik wenik kulaman:
- Ajelkik tepawtukwetaq wasoqnmamk.
- Apoqnmuanen wenik wikultijik mu tepi-maliaptasinukl wutanl
- Kina’muenen lukewinu’k wjit teli-pkwatekemk aqq nespiw tel-waqmo’tmumk wksitqamuey
- Kina’muatinen aqq ktmoqjenmnen ta’n tl-maliaptasitew pem-pilua’sik wsitqmuey
- Wli-anko’tmnen wksitqamuey
Koqoey wjit ula tel-lukutiek
Waqma’tekemk attikneta’yek te’sikiskikl kisa’tunen naji-waqme’ktn wksitqamuey, ika’tunen tepawtik lukwaqn aqq newte’ tlo’tasultinew wenik. Kejitue’k pem-pilua’sikl telikiskikl nuta’q ankamayiw maliaptasin mita ewla’toql wksitqamuey, telo’ltimk aqq teli-pkwatekemk. Keknue’k wtnu’kwalsultinenew kisi-aji-tkle’jk piw-wekasik kisitunenew, wutanminal tli’kasin ta’n kis-pmukwattaq pem-pilua’sikl telikiskikl, naji-wl-kina’mua’tinenew teli-anko’tmumk wksitqamuey, aqq te’sikiskikl ewe’wasiktn kisi-ilwekasimkl kulaman wla’sitew wljaqo’ltitesnu elmi’knik.
Kejituek mu ula naqmasianuk, katu ktu’ tla’taqati’k amuj wije’wmu’k koqoey ki’s kisi-wjinu’kwatmumk aqq wela’sik wejkwa’taqnik. Mawkwanej eltu’k waqme’k tel-lukutimk aqq teli-pkwatekemk aqq ta’n tel-waqmo’tmumk wksitqamuey.
Our Team
Scott Skinner – President & CEO
Scott has championed Clean’s work with our partners as we make real progress toward a cleaner future by taking on climate change challenges. With a love for supporting local, Scott helps ensure that our programs make the biggest impact they can for the engaged communities in which we work.
As Downtown Dartmouth’s unofficial ambassador, you’re likely to find Scott conversing in one of the area’s many food establishments.
Cindy Hilchey – Chief Operating Officer
With a knack for creating social purpose entities, Cindy is Clean’s strategic guide. With the shared services team, Cindy ensures our teams have what they need to focus on a clean and fair transition for all, and ensures the supports are in place to grow Clean’s programs.
How do we find the energy to do all that we do? It’s thanks to Cindy who keeps us motivated by supplying treats. Candy bar anyone?
Erin Burbidge – Vice President, Policy, Programs and Innovation
Erin followed her passion for the environmental sector and joined Clean, tying up her law career. Guiding the Coasts and Transportation teams, Erin shifts from supervising team and organizational projects to getting Nova Scotians in electric vehicles and working in salt marshes to restore our coasts.
Looking for someone to be on a trivia team? Pick Erin. She always finishes high on our quiz nights.
Rob Harris – Vice President, Program Delivery and Operations
Well experienced in Cape Breton’s non-profit sector, Rob and our team of energy efficiency experts help bring people and organizations together to create positive change in energy efficiency across Nova Scotia by combining technical skill with an understanding of our local communities.
Our Cape Breton champion, Rob is a lifelong Sydney resident with a passion for public history and music. He’s the one to ask for the beautiful sights and sounds of rural Nova Scotia.
Board of Directors
Greg van den Hoogen
Board Chair
Corey Cochrane
Mike Mills
Laura Rees
Margaret MacDonald
Brendan Chard
Russell Grosse
Eric Paul
Lynn Hartwell
Annual Reviews
Clean Foundation’s Annual Reviews highlight the work done by our dedicated staff and volunteers during each fiscal year (April 1 to March 31, from 2004/2005 to present).