Do you remember your very first part time job and the excitement and anxiety that came along with it? Well, for students and young adults with limited experience multiply that feeling by ten. Entering the professional workforce is very intimidating. Student are taught...
If you are new to the idea of an e-bike, you may have some questions about what they do and how they can fit your lifestyle. We’re here to help, so grab your helmet and get ready for a ride through six reasons why e-bikes are an excellent choice for Nova Scotians. 1....
When considering a purchase of an electric vehicle (EV) one of the requirements that comes up is a designated spot to charge the vehicle. This seems simple enough to meet but can be a barrier for apartment or condo living, especially since not all designated parking...
By: Jessica Jones, Horticulturist – AVA Technologies Inc. Can you tell us a little bit about AVA and the project you are working on? AVA’s mission is to help anyone, grow anything, anywhere. By putting the “Byte”, our smart hydroponic garden, in every home we...
By: Nicole Latimer, Solid Waste Program Coordinator – Town of Port Hawkesbury Can you tell us a little bit about the Town of Port Hawkesbury and the project you are working on? The Town of Port Hawkesbury is located on the southwestern end of Cape Breton...
Authors: Devon Morrison, Clean Foundation, ENS and Kate Powe, United Way In early March, the global COVID-19 pandemic led the Nova Scotia government to issue a State of Emergency. Schools were closed, borders tightened, schools moved to virtual learning, and many...
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